Following are my icon quilts. These quilts are inspired by, or based on, traditional Byzantine, Greek, and Eastern Orthodox icons.

Christ Pantokrator - This is based on an ancient icon that resides in the Sinai. "Pantokrator" is Greek for "Almighty." This quilt will be included in Beth Wheeler's' forthcoming book.
Theotokos - "Theotokos" means "Godbearer" in Greek. This quilt will be included in Beth Wheeler's' forthcoming book. I gave this quilt to my sister Pat who is a labor and delivery nurse.
Saint Catherine of Siena - I gave this quilt to my friend Kathie.
John the Evangelist - I made this for my brother Jack's 65th birthday. The image on which this quilt was based is from the 19th century and is an unusual Celtic icon. Saint John the Evangelist is often symbolized by an eagle, hence the eagle in the right side of the icon.
Psalm 91:11 - The Guardian - My friend Susan has been going through some trials, so I made this quilt to comfort her.
Saint Barbara - I made this quilt as an Easter gift for my sister-in-law Barbara.
Panagia Glykophilousa - "Sweet Kissing" -  I made this for my sister Karen.
Panagia Glykophilousa - "Sweet Kissing" -  I made this for the First Holy Communion of my husband's Goddaughter Ivy.

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