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Chopstick Holder

Traditional Japanese paperfolding, origami, is created without the benefit of scissors or adhesive. This chopstick holder, folded on the diagonal, is held in place with a bit of ribbon or mizuhiki cord.


  • 8.5 x 11 paper, decorated as desired.
  • 8 inches ribbon or cord
  • Folding template (CLICK HERE for the folding diagram)
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • One pair of chopsticks


Note: You might want to practice this project a couple of times with plain printer paper to get the hang of it.
  1. Print the folding diagram. Please note that because this project requires a complete sheet of paper, you won't be able to simply print and fold the diagram itself. Use it as a guide.
  2. Place the paper on your work table so that it is in "portrait" position.
  3. Measure 5 inches from the lower right corner both vertically and horizontally. Make a small mark at each spot.
  4. Fold from mark to mark, making fold line "A." Keep folded for the remaining steps.
  5. Mark 1.25 inches at the spots indicated on the diagram along fold line "A."
  6. Fold along line "B." Unfold.
  7. Fold along line "C" and keep folding, wrapping as you go, so that you have a long, flat tube that looks like the picture above.
  8. Tie the ribbon or cord around the folded holder.
  9. Tuck the chopsticks in the centermost diagonal fold, making certain the tips are enclosed in the inner "pocket" created by fold line "A."

Copyright 1999-2009 Mirkwood Designs, a division of ruthannzaroff.com
 These templates are free for your use to make craft items to give or sell, to use for teaching purposes, or for submitting projects to magazines.
I would appreciate it if you provide a link to my Web site.
The templates themselves may NOT be auctioned, sold, or published in any way without my permission.