Many happy Mirkwood Designs templates users have asked how they can help support my Web site. You can securely use your PayPal account or any major credit card. If you cannot make a monetary donation, I would appreciate your prayers. I thank you for your consideration, and may God bless you! If you are not comfortable donating online, please click here for my snailmail address. |
Beaded Dragonfly (3-inch) Notes: You can make the dragonfly smaller or larger by using shorter or longer lengths of wire. You can use beads in any color or combination of colors. If you use large beads to make a large dragonfly, use heavier-gauge wire. Supplies and Tools
Instructions 1. String an even number of beads on one of the wing wires, leaving about 1 inch bare at each end. 5. Fold the body wire in half, leaving a slight loop in the folded end. 6. String 1/2 inch of beads onto the doubled wire, making sure to leave the loop open. 7. Fold the antennae wire in half and thread through the loop on the beaded body. Make small spirals in the end of each antenna. 11. Wrap wire ends around the wire between the last and second-last beads several times. Trim ends. Glue or sew onto cards or other projects. The dragonfly below was made with very small Swarovski crystals and 32-gauge wire. |
Copyright 1999-2009 Mirkwood
Designs, a division of
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